Electronic service providers confidence
Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and amending Directive 1999/93 repealing / EC states that there are two types of trusted service provider, skilled and unskilled.
The definitions in Article 3 applied in the Regulation on service providers are as follows:
- «reliable service», the electronic service usually provided in exchange for remuneration, consisting of:
- the creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures, electronic seals or electronic time stamps, electronic delivery services certified and certificates for these services, or
- the creation, verification and validation of certificates for authentication of websites, or
- the preservation of signatures, stamps or electronic certificates for these services;
- «qualified trust service», a reliable service that meets the requirements set out in this Regulation;
- «trusted service provider», a natural or legal person who provides one or more trust services, as well as qualified provider or service provider unqualified confidence.
- «qualified trust service provider», a service of trust that provides one or more qualified trust services and the supervisory body granted the qualification.
Then facilitating access to national providers of electronic trust services:
- Consultation Providers qualified electronic trust services.
- Consultation Providers of electronic trust services unskilled.
- Trusted list of qualified providers of electronic trust services (TSL).
You can get more information on providers of electronic trust services on the website of the Ministry.