Detail of Electronic Procedures
- Description
- Request for further Links Radio Networks from point to point and transport radio programmes
- Request to change authorized Radio Networks
- Request for authorization to the commissioning of Radio Networks
- DeSolicitud cure.
- Discontinuance of Application.
- Presentation of allegations.
- Access Mode
- Digital Certificate
- Management Centre
- Secretariat of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure - E05069801
- Directorate General
- Secretaría General de Telecomunicaciones y Ordenación de los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual - E04796207
- Management unit
- S.G. planning and Management of the spectrum - EA0027929
- Topic
- Radioelectric Spectrum
Act 9 / 2014 of 9 May, global telecommunications (BOE 10-05-2014)
Royal Decree 123 / 2017, 24 February (BOE 08 / 03 / 2017)
Which approves the regulations on the use of public domain radioelectrico.
Right Decreto1066 / 2001 of 28 September (BOE 29-09-2001)
Approving the Regulations establishes conditions of protection of the public domain radioelectrico, restrictions on emissions radioelectricas and health protection measures against radioelectricas emissions
Resolution of 4 May 2017 (BOE 12-05-2017)
the secretary of state for the Information society and the Digital Agenda, which determine the types of radioelectricas stations for which requires a substitute certification of the act of recognition tecnico prior to the authorization for commissioning.
Notifications for the request is made through electronic means appear or his representative properly identified at headquarters electronica of the ministry (access with certificate program). Report of the existence of such notifications through the email address specified in the application.
In accordance with the current regulations, if within ten days without accessing the content of notification, if it is that it has been rejected and performed by walk processing, continuing the procedure.
Access procedure
- Digital Certificate
Aplicación GenXML: Herramienta de generación de ficheros XML de Redes Radioeléctricas
Solicitud de nuevas Redes Radioeléctricas del Servicio Fijo de Banda Ancha
Solicitud de modificación de Redes Radioeléctricas autorizadas (modificación y/o anulación parcial)
Solicitud de Autorización para la Puesta en Servicio de Redes Radioeléctricas
Pago de tasas de tramitación de Telecomunicaciones. Modelo 790
Modelo solicitud exención tasa [DOC] [165 KB]
Modelo solicitud exención tasa [ODT] [136 KB]
Declaración no inhabilitación competencia profesional [DOC][163 KB]
Declaración no inhabilitación competencia profesional [ODT][134 KB]
Ayuda para cumplimentar la solicitud
Información del Servicio Fijo de Banda Ancha [PDF] [477 KB]
Manual de IdeSemibanda [PDF] [1847 KB]
eCoFirma: Herramienta para el firmado de documentos XML
Additional information
Request for information by email:
Management Information System Procedures
- S.I.A. Code: 206146
- Stations are part of radio networks, satellite, fixed point-to-multipoint, fixed broadband reserved band, mobile and fixed and otros-autorización narrowband for commissioning
- S.I.A. Code: 990984
- Granting concessions, authorizations and encumbrances demaniales