Detail of Electronic Procedures

Submission of the request for inclusion, amendement of the inclusion and low in the state register of service providers Audiovisual Communication the secretary of state of telecommunications and to society of the information.
Access Mode
Cl@ve Open access
Management Centre
Secretariat of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure - E05069801
Directorate General
Secretaría General de Telecomunicaciones y Ordenación de los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual - E04796207
Management unit
S.G. for the Management of Audiovisual Communication Services - EA0042734


Royal Decree 847/2015, September 28 (BOE 29/09/2015).

That regulates the state registration service providers of Audiovisual Communication and the procedure notice of beginning of activity.

Access procedure

Open access
Access to Public Register

Additional information

Model statement that participants of a service provider of audiovisual communication nationally respected the limits of participation in other providers of equal Area set out in Articles 36 and 37 of the Law 7/2010, 31 March.

Model statement [PDF] [13 KB]

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 203006
Registro Estatal de Prestadores de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual