Detail of Electronic Procedures

  • Seek approval or modification of a draft station technician and the consequent authorization for the complete installation (type certification To).
  • Request the cancellation of a station authorized.
  • Respond to the requirements of cure (XML schemes to cure).
Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Secretariat of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure - E05069801
Directorate General
Secretaría General de Telecomunicaciones y Ordenación de los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual - E04796207
Management unit
S.G. planning and Management of the spectrum - EA0027929
Radioelectric Spectrum


Act 9/2014 of 9 May, global telecommunications (BOE 10-05-2014)

Royal Decree 123/2017, 24 February (BOE 08/03/2017)

Approving regulations regarding the use of radio public domain

Royal Decree 1066/2001 of 28 September (BOE 29-09-2001)

Approving the Regulations establishes conditions of protection of radio public domain, restrictions on radio emissions and health protection measures against radio broadcasts.

Command CTÉ/23/2002, of 11 January (BOE 12-01-2002)

Establishing conditions for the presentation of certain studies and certifications by operators radiocommunication services.

Processing of personal data [PDF] [135 KBPS]

The portal is restricted to individuals authorized by operators authorized by the General Office planning and spectrum management (SGPGER).

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Access to the procedure with digital certificate: presentation of memories and annual certifications mobile stations.

Schema for XSD type certification of TM [XSD KBPS] [31]

XSD schema for correction of data from measures [XSD KBPS] [19]

Help to complete the application

User Manual for the presentation telematics reporting system and Memories annual certifications Mobile stations [PDF] [2662 KBPS]

Additional Information Index Unstructured (PDF) for certification of stations type A. [PDF] [215 KBPS]

Statement of professional competence for certification of stations type A. [DOC] [40 KBPS]

Statement of professional competence for certification of stations type A. [ODT] [7] KB

No statement overcoming emission levels outside the volume of reference for certification of seasons type A. [DOCX] [27] KB

No statement overcoming emission levels outside the volume of reference for certification of seasons type A. [ODT] [10] KB

Validations of XML certification scheme To type workstations [PDF] [512 kbps]

Manual de usuario para presentar Proyectos de Femtoceldas de Telefonía Móvil [PDF] [1178].

Guide to installing marking and fencing radio stations [PDF] [839 KBPS]

Additional information

Additional information concerning this procedure.

Other procedures

Authorization to the commissioning of radio stations

Presentation of annual certifications exposure levels of radio stations radiocommunication

Reporting quarterly Certifications exposure levels of radio stations 5G radiocommunications


Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 993514
Approval for the installation of a new project tecnico or modification of the same
S.I.A. Code: 998862
Cancellation of mobile phones stations